发布时间:2025-01-08 09:41:17
本帖最后由 将_军 于 2019-7-18 11:24 编辑




Letters of recommendation are a great window into how your words translate into action and how you are perceived by people who interact with you on a day-to-day basis.----Josh Rubenstein, Assistant Dean for Admissions at Harvard Law School.

Most letters will be positive, but not many will be substantive. On the other hand, a very large percentage of successful applicants will have had substantive letters of recommendation.---Joyce Curll, Harvard.

Some advice I would give to applicants, get to know your professors so they can write personalized and strong recommendations.---Robber Berring, U.C. Berkeley.

When it comes to reading letters of recommendation, they’re all pretty much positive. What we’re looking for is the depth of detail within the letter of recommendation. It’s important to us that the recommender really knows the student well, and can really speak to his or her ability as a possible law student, and/or work ability.---Johann Lee, Northwestern.

Not all recommendations are that useless, but many of them come close. The sad truth is that the vast majority of recommendations make no real difference in the application process, because they are complimentary but too generic and bland to convey anything meaningful about the applicant or anything that makes him or her stand out in any way.---Anna Ivey, Chicago.

      所以,大多数情况下你的推荐信是没有用的!如果你的推荐信“不顶用”(“useless”),那么你不应该责怪录取委对于它们不够重视,而应该反思自己在这一流程出了什么问题。推荐信是否有用,并非取决于他们是否对申请人做出了“正面的”(“positive”)评价,而取决于你的推荐人能否对你的各项能力给出“个性化的”“详细的”“有意义的”(“personalized”“detailed”“meaningful”)的评价。如果一封推荐信能够做到上述要求,那我们乐于相信,这封推荐能够起到积极的作用。相反,你提交的将会是一封“没卵用”(“make no real difference”)的推荐信。


You should cultivate two substantive letters, from people who can discuss your academic potential. Usually that is a professor or a teaching assistant. The second best letters come from people at work, supervisors who can comment on your research, analytical skills and writing ability in particular. Letters from famous people whom you met once, friends of the family, or a judge for whom you babysat are not helpful.---Edward Tom,U.C.Berkeley.

The best recommendations are written by people who know the candidate well for a sufficient period of time and in a capacity to have something to say about personal characteristics or attributes important to success in law studies. Letters from people who barely know the applicant are usually not very helpful in assessing these attributes, and represent a lost opportunity.--Todd Morton, Vanderbilt

Our preference is that we want to know who the student is now, as opposed to who they were then. Especially with folks with work experience who’ve taken some time off, we prefer the work-related over the academic. If you’ve worked for three years, there’s definitely some distance, and a person’s a different person now than they were then.--Johann Lee, Northwestern.

A completed graduate application to Penn Law must include two letters of recommendation, ideally from law professors or others who have personal experience instructing and evaluating the candidate. An applicant may, alternatively, submit letters from academic instructors outside of the field of law, from employers, or from others with a personal knowledge of the candidate’s intellectual and other strengths.--https://www.law.upenn.edu

The obvious choice--which any school’s admission information will quickly tell you--is a professor who knows you very well.---Richard Montauk, Stanford.

We get a lot of letters from politicians. It’s more helpful if a person you worked for directly on the politician’s staff can comment. Similarly, in a large course a graduate assistant who knows your work well from a recitation section is sometimes a better choice than the course professor might be.---Kenneth Kleinrock,NYU

A letter from the professor who taught your elective photography class is less valuable than a letter from an upper-level class in you major. Letters from professors who taught you in seminars or small lecturer class are best because those professors were able to observe you in a smaller academic environment--www.top-law-school.com

We require two original letters of recommendation from your law school professors, employers, supervisors, or other persons qualified to appraise your academic potential for graduate legal studies. One letter should come from a law school professor and one letter should come from a work supervisor. Letters from family friends and letters from prominent persons who have not taught you or supervised your work are not helpful.-- http://web.law.columbia.edu

关于第一点,有许多前辈在各自的著作中举出了比较极端的例子,比如Anna Ivey在在她的THE IVEY GUIDE TO LAW SCHOOL ADMISSIONS中写道:
关于第二点,我们从录取委的陈述亦或是学校的官网上都能找到充分的证据。笔者单独列举了宾大和哥大的LLM项目对于推荐信的要求。这两校的LLM项目还以偏重实践著称,尤其是哥大,不招收小本科,绝大部分获得录取的学生都具备三年以上的工作经验。但就是这样,哥大仍然要求一封学术推荐信。在另一篇TLS的Dean interview系列中关于JD transfer的问题中,Penn给出了倾向性更强的回答:
“We require two letters of recommendation, preferably from law school professors. (Frankly, it is more than just a suggestion: in nearly all cases, the two letters of recommendation should be from law school professors.)”
虽然这是针对JD transfer的学生,但我们也由此可以感受到学术推荐信在美国人眼中的分量。在笔者所阅读过关于申请的书籍中,Academic recommendation都有显著的重要性。Ann Levine在她的THE LAW SCHOOL ADMISSION GAME-PLAY LIKE AN EXPERT中写道:
     “The best letter of recommendation is the(strong)academic letter. A detailed letter from a professor outlining the rigor of the class you took, how you excelled in them, describing your intellectual curiosity, writing and research skills, presentation skills and/or teamwork and problem-solving skills, is the best tool for law schools who trying to ascertain whether you will make it through a rigorous law school curriculum.”

      那么,是不是说工作/实习推荐信就不重要了呢?当然不是。西北就直说,我们注重现在的你,而不是过去的你,所以如果你已经你工作了好几年,最好提供工作推荐信。另外伯克利方面表示工作推是“第二好的”(“The Second Best”)。而且笔者认为,LLM申请者对于工作推荐信的倚重程度,要大于JD申请者。毕竟,作为一个实践性更强的学位,就读期间的表现固然重要,毕业后的发展也不可小觑。

Most important factors:

Second important factors:
  4.选择native recommender。



The best letters of recommendation are long(2-3pages), glowing, detailed accolades from a university professor who knows a student well, has the highest regard for his or her intellectual capabilities, and praises the student as “one of the best students I have ever seen in my long career”---www.top-law-school.com

Anything less than five hundred words is too short. If your recommenders really know you well, and if they are offering anecdotes and not just adjectives, what they have to say should take up more than a page.---Anna Ivey, Former Dean of Admission at Chicago Law

关于推荐信写多长,坊间流传甚广而且已经被广泛接受的说法是:一页纸以内,太长了比较假,推荐人没时间写而且录取委没时间看。之前,笔者也接受这一说法。但是近年,随着经验的积累,笔者发现较多的权威发言都表示推荐信应该更长。比如Richard Montauk在他的著作HOW TO GET INTO THE TOP LAW SCHOOLS-FOUTH EDITION中,非常有趣地列举了两个软硬实力背景类似的申请者“John”和“Laura”,并提供了他们两人的推荐信,其中“Laura”同学的推荐信甚至达到1300 words。笔者第一反应是这封推荐信长的有些离谱。然而Richard对Laura千余字的推荐信却大加赞赏,并表示相比“John”两百多字的推荐信,“Laura wins out easily”。在录取委是否真的有时间看下去这一问题上,曾任芝加哥录取委主任的Anna说道:
“They shouldn't worry about a letter being too long--if they really know you and are passionate enough about you to write more than a page, that can only work to your benefit. An admission officer might not read to the very end--so recommenders should put the good stuff first--but she will know that your recommender thinks you are someone special based on the time commitment alone. I have rarely seen a recommendation that was too long--most of them are too short to be helpful.”


Frankly, I like a detailed recommendation. A flat recommendation, such as the following, is of no value. “John Smith received the highest grade in my class. He appears to be very bright. I know of no problems in his record. I think that he would make a very good lawyer.” In this case, it’s like not having a recommendation. This student clearly asked the wrong person for a recommendation.---Faye Deal, Stanford

Most recommendation aren’t very helpful because they are so general. They should be backed up with examples and specifics, yet only 10-15 percent are.---Don Rebstock, Northwestern

Your recommenders should include specific examples illustrating their general statements. It is also helpful if the recommender can place the applicant in a large context:” She is one of the top ten students I have seen in twenty years of teaching” or “ He is comparable to the student X, who was accepted last year.”---Megan Barnett, Yale

Recommenders can show what is not obvious from someone’s credentials or Resume. For example, a professor can help a candidate by showing in what respects she thinks his numbers understate his potential. To argue that he will be a wonderful lawyer, despite a soft GPA or LSAT, though, requires demonstrating that he performed well in a way that such numbers don’t capture.---Sarah Zearfoss,Michigan

A description of the rigor of the course taken with the professor, including the kind of work that is required (essays exams, research papers, group projects, etc.). How you stood out, contributed to classroom discussion, sought out office hours--examples that show you are a serious student who is engaged in course-work, rather than simply showing up and doing the minimum required to get a certain grade. It’s not helpful for a professor’s letter of recommendation to recount achievements that he or she could not have known about you firsthand. Those achievements should be on your resume or from other parts of your application.--- Ann Levine, Loyola Law School


1. Examples, numbers and Anecdotes.

2, Coordinate with each other and other parts of your application.
   好的推荐信,能够互相印证,协调申请材料中的其他部分,形成1+1+1>3的局面。 它们可以相互支撑,比如R1中强调了你a,b,c三方面的特质,R2中可以强调a,b,d方面的有点,而R3可以继续强调你a,e,g的特质;它们可以作为其他材料的支撑,比如你的PS里重点说明你是一个有创新精神的人,那么在推荐信中,你可以通过具体的事例来back up;他们可以作为其他材料的补充,如果你觉得你有一些特点不能通过你的PS、essay和Resume表现出来,推荐信将是最完美的场地。

3, In the context, both the recommender and the applicant.
   永远记得录取委不认识你的推荐人,更不认识你,所以使用比如“XXX is one of the best students I’ve ever taught, she got 91 in the final” 远不如” XXX is one of the best students I’ve ever taught during my twenty five years’ teaching career, she scored 91 in my XXX class and ranked top 5 percent of all undergraduates.” 要做具体的、可量化的比较,让录取委一眼就明白推荐人和你都处在什么档次。

4.Stick to what they know.


Intellectual ability
Academic performance
Analytical ability
Teamwork spirit
 Problem-solving skils
Written and oral communication skills
Independent thought and creativity
(Legal) Research skills
Motivation and sense of initiative
 Passion and enthusiasm
Social commitment
Sense of humor
Conflict-resolution skills
Work ethic
Ability to handle stress








答:根据学校的要求,大多数学生是2封,但是最高会接受到3-4封,伯克利前院长针对此问题曾回答说,3-fine,4-OK,5-Pushing it。笔者给出的建议是,可以提交3封甚至是4封,但是笔者认为“多出的推荐信应该提供额外的,不同观点”(“extra ones should offer additional, different insight about you.”) 如果后续推荐信仍在全盘重复第一封和第二封的内容,就有些浪费录取委的时间了。



